October 19, 2008

A look on the Inside- I've been tagged!

I was tagged by my sister-in-law Erika.The rules are to take pictures of everything as is...no prepping first. So here we go!

1. My kitchen sink:

Its a good thing I did my dishes before I started this. There was quite a bit there before. FEW!

2) My Favorite Room:

I love this room because its our hang out spot. This is usually where we are spending our time together as a family.

3) My Refridgerator:

Im so happy this picture is not close enough to show how dirty it is. I knew I should have cleaned it a week ago!

4) My Favorite Shoes:

They wont be my favorite for long. The weather is getting colder! So sad :(

5) My Laundry:

I dont really have a laundry "room". Its more like a laundry closet! So my laundry either ends up on the washer or my bed if I dont get to it. Oh well, Im just grateful I actually have a washer and dryer!

6)My Closet:

Yes, I color cordinate my clothes. Ya, but about 60 percent of those clothes never get worn. They have been around too long. Its time to pay D.I. a visit and then the mall for a new wardrobe!

7) My latest grocery purchase:

Here are just a few. I went a couple of days ago to get a couple of things for glenns sand dunes trip this last weekend. Cap'n crunch (with out berries) is one of our favorites lately. It tastes just like "Ohs" cereal. If you are a Oh's fan you will find a new love for plain cap'n crunch. Try it! 8)What my child is doing right now:

Playing with daddy. I had to put 2 pictures of this moment. I just love them and they have so much fun with each other. They are so handsome.

Love it :)

9)Fantasy Vacation:

Ok this isnt really a "fantasy" I guess since I have already been here but I really dont have a fantasy vacation spot. I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Powell! Really, I would be satisfy to never go anywhere else for the rest of my life as long as I get to go to powell. One day we hope to have a boat and maybe a house boat there for our family vacationing spot. Cause really, there is nothing better then having a vacation full of swimming, eating, sleeping and laying in the sun!

10)Self Portrait:

I now would like to tag Mother Kimberly Lovelace, Jolynn, Sheridan, Kiara Farley, Mindy Hatch and Kiara Caldwell and everyone else!. Good luck:)

Corral Pink Sand Dunes

Glenn has been working so hard with his busy schedule of everyday work. So this last weekend he went to the sand dunes with my brother Jarom, my brother-in-law C.K. and his dad Don. They had a blast and rode really hard! Im really happy they all came home in one piece! :)

Just tons of LOVE

Ok, I cant express how much I love these two boys! Its been so much fun being a mother to little Tyce. He is now 4 months old and it has flown by. Its hard to believe I was ever pregnant. I sometimes look at him and think, "Are you really mine?" Hes so much fun and every day Glenn and I get a kick out of the new things he does. Hes growing up so fast! He loves playing with anything he can get his hands on. I love to tell Glenn about the new things he does everyday. Glenn loves to hear about it. Glenn is such a good dad. He is great about changing the diapers, giving him baths and giving mom a break from being just mom. I love these boys and cant get enough of them. Thank you Glenn for being such a wonderful Husband and Dad. I love you!

General Conference Weekend W/ the Hatchs

Aunt Mckala sacked out with Mr. Tyce
Grammy and Grandpa Hatch and Tycers
Thats quite the face Tyce!
We LOVE when Grammy and Grandpa Hatch come into town for conference every 6 months. It has been a tradition for I think 30 years! I appriciate this even more now that we live here in Utah. Its so nice to have them stay with us and have their company. Friday night we stayed with them in Salt Lake and went to the afternoon session. Thanks to Jenas Lova Boy, Andrew, we all had tickets to go. It is always nice to have this spritual upliftment to look forward to and being able to spend more time together with the family. Tyce loves Grammy and Grandpa Hatch. They are so much fun and do so much for us. We love you guys!