So I have always heard of people hiking MT Timp. since I moved here to Utah. Its one of my favorite mountains in Utah county. Well, one week Glenn asked if I would want to hike it and I said "heck yes, I have always wanted to." So he then tells me that we will be starting at 1 am so that we can make the hike to the top by the time the sun rises. So, Im all excited but not so sure bout hiking in the middle of the night. We got lucky and had a full moon. To make a long story short, we succeeded to get to the very top without changing my mind about going back home to my nice, war, comfortable bed. The question kept running through my mine , "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" I felt like this mountain kept going and going and going. FINALLY, we made it.To the VERY TIP TOP! It was a beautiful view. INCREDIBLE!! Once we made it back to our car we found out that we had been hiking for 11 hours!!! I then decided I wont be doing that for another 20 years at least! Check out the sweet views we got on picture, though they dont come close to showing how amazing it was. And you got to love the blister Glenn got from the hike, OUCH!!

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